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  • 所在地天津市河西区曲江路龙天园4-2-302
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产品简介:Introduction 玻璃纤维直接纱或称单股无捻粗纱是由2000孔或4000孔漏板直接拉制而成连续纤维。主要应用用于缠绕、拉挤成型工艺作,适用UP、VE、EP。典型产品为:拉挤杆、窗框、梯子、管道、通讯电缆、贮罐、织造方格布及耐化学性的格栅等。 Direct roving or single-end continuous roving (Pultrusion Roving, Filament Winding Roving, Weaving Roving) , made directly from a 2000 tip bushing or a 4000 tip bushing, is primarily used in filament winding and pultrusion processes in polyester ,vinylester or epoxy resin systems. Typical products are pultruded rod, window frames , ladders, pipe, telecommunication cables, tanks, woven roving and chemical resistant grating. 产品特点:Features 张力均匀,成带性佳 Even Tension,excellent tapability 树脂浸透速度快,相容性优良。 Fast and Complete Wet-out 毛羽少,耐磨性优 No Fuzz,good abrasion resistance 机械性能好 包装:Packaging 中天俊达所产直接纱,单个纱团聚乙烯塑料袋包覆,然后放入托盘或纸箱。每个托盘可码放64或48个纱团,每个纱团重量17kg . 纸箱堆高不大于5层,托盘堆高不超过2层。 Direct roving from Zhongtian Junda , is wrapped in plastic bags , then packed in individual cardboard box or pallet . There are 64 or 48 doffs could be placed on one pallet , 17kg weight of one doff . Cardboard box can not be stacked higher than 5 layers , and pallet not higher than 2 layers . 注(Remark):1. 托盘尺寸(长*宽*高)(cm) Pallet dimension(length*width*height)(cm): 112*112*(94/118) 2. 纱团尺寸(长*宽*高)(cm) Doff dimension(diameter*height)(cm):26*26 贮存:Storage 产品应置于干燥、凉爽处。若不用,请勿打开包装,以免受潮,影响使用。 Unless otherwise specified, it is recommended to store products in a cool, dry area. The products must remain in packaging material until just prior to their use. If these conditions are respected, the product should not undergo significant changes when stored for extended periods of time.
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