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美国Chattanooga吞咽障碍治疗仪(神经肌肉电刺激疗法) 产品编码:5951 产品品牌:美国Chattanooga 起订数量:1(PCS 产品介绍 美国Chattanooga吞咽障碍治疗仪(神经肌肉电刺激疗法) 一、 美国DJO集团生产的神经和肌肉刺激理疗仪是目前世界上一款采用NMES(Neuromuscular electrical stimulation,神经肌肉电刺激疗法)技术的用于吞咽障碍治疗的设备。该设备通过将靶刺激(电刺激)与的电极帖法相结合,刺激完整的外周运动神经来激活肌肉,达到强化无力肌肉,帮助恢复运动控制的治疗目的。此方法是目前国内外公认的的吞咽障碍治疗方法。同时此款神经和肌肉刺激理疗仪也是经过美国FDA、SFDA认证的吞咽障碍理疗仪,治疗方法安全,不会造成喉部痉挛,脉搏、血液或心率的改变。 美国DJO集团是的运动及康复器材的制造公司,市场占有率高达46%,是的非手术矫形康复设备公司,2011年的销售额超过10亿美元。 设备特点: 四通道神经肌肉电刺激设备 --同时可为两名患者提供 --配有推拉式箱柜的综合治疗台车 远距离操作手柄 --应急保护开关 --手动电刺激功能 生物反馈功能 --提供客观量化指标和记录肌肉激活状态 --吞咽实验,用于吞咽评定 --吞咽训练,声音提示和视觉同步采样 联合治疗功能 --采集并量化表面肌肉电信号 --当肌肉激活状态达到目标,启动激励性NMES --用力吞咽,激活刺激,产生正性反馈治疗环 患者信息卡,记录治疗资料 --成功吞咽资料 --平均振幅水平 --电极放置的位置 --特殊性资料 临床资料库 --电极放置的位置 --头颈部解剖、病理图解 --每种治疗模式的技术信息 临床应用: 神经和肌肉刺激理疗仪又称吞咽障碍理疗仪,主要用于治疗神经性吞咽障碍。 引起吞咽障碍的常见疾病: 脑卒中、封闭性颅脑损伤、头部损伤、脑干和颅神经损伤、颈椎损伤、前颈椎消融术、神经进行性退变、阿兹海默症、帕金森病、多发性硬化、吉兰—巴雷综合征、重症肌无力、多发性肌炎、硬皮病、肌萎缩侧索硬化症、颈部肌张力障碍、先天 性神经损伤、癌症(放、化疗后)、脊髓灰质炎等引起的吞咽障碍。 Vitalstim 吞咽障碍治疗仪适应科室: 1、吞咽治疗科 Vitalstim治疗可使患者成功的拔除PEG管,摆脱粘稠食物在口咽部的滞留,重新获得进食的乐趣。 2、康复科/理疗科 全世界今有7000多位语言治疗师和康复医生评估了150万次Vitalstim治疗没发现有任何副作用。 3、神经内科/神经外科 世界卫生组织MONICA研究表明,我国脑卒中发生率以每年8.7%的速率上升,发病者约30%死亡,70%的生存者多有偏瘫、失语、吞咽等残障。 4、肿瘤科/耳鼻喉科 吞咽障碍是头颈部癌症放疗常见的副作用,单独放疗或联合手术的放疗所引起的吞咽障碍比单独手术引起的吞咽障碍严重。 5、儿科/新生儿科 营养是人类生存的基础。早产儿由于口腔和喉部肌肉协调不足,往往不能进行正常的吸吮,情况差的还要插喉管。 6、老年病科 老年人即使无明显神经性疾病,70%~90%的老年人均有不同程度的吞咽障碍,高达50%的老年人有进食困难。 二、 Overview: The intelligence of VitalStim Therapy: housed in a clinical device aptly named Intelect. Intelect VitalStim by Chattanooga Group provides seven specific parameter sets to meet the needs of the physicians and SLP’s who treat dysphagia. Each contains both a graphical and text explanation of the different electrode placements along with detailed descriptions about the VitalStim waveform. The device enables the clinician to edit certain parameters such as treatment time, intensity and phase duration to match the treatment needs of their dysphagic patients. With four channels of stimulation on board, the clinician can simultaneously provide therapy to both sides of the face and the anterior portion of the neck. Even difficult conditions such as scar tissue, patient frailty, and fatigue are now more easily treatable with Intelect VitalStim. Intelect VitalStim helps the patient and therapist work together to achieve the best possible treatment outcomes. The educational diagrams found in the device increase the patient and caregiver’s understanding of dysphagia and the goals of the therapy. Building on this understanding, the patient is actually able to interact with the device’s on-screen visual, auditory and sensory biofeedback during the treatment session. This exchange helps improve patient motivation, patient compliance, and patient performance. By working harder to reach their swallowing goal, the patient is “rewarded” with feedback and an increase in performance. Likewise, the therapist benefits from the on-screen clinical resource library which provides information about anatomy and pathology and illustrates specific electrode placement as well as swallowing anatomy. The therapist can further use these screens as teaching tools to the patient as well, engaging them in their treatment protocol. Intelect VitalStim’s Patient Data Cards display useful information about previous treatment sessions such as: the number of successful swallows, average amplitude level, exact electrode placement and other patient specific functional data. Using this data, the therapist can provide a better continuity of therapy by “picking up where they left off.” The device records and reports information back to the therapist in a meaningful, objective, and industry accepted format. Evidenced-based tracking tools such as FOIS, weight, and VAS pain rating are utilized. Because proper documentation is necessary for the facility’s regulatory compliance, the Intelect VitalStim device prompts the clinician to input all relevant data. Optional: Surface Electromyography (sEMG) - reading and recording muscle activation. Visual and auditory biofeedback during swallowing for objective measurement of effortful swallows Assists with muscle relaxation training Determines the activation timing of muscles for re-education Surface Electromyography with Triggered stimulation (sEMG + Stim) - electrical muscle stimulation triggered when the muscle activation reaches a preset target Provides biofeedback coupled with NMES treatment during swallowing therapy Electrical stimulation to the target muscle group is activated by the patient’s effort, creating a powerful reward-based biofeedback loop Technical Specifications: 5951 | Intelect® VitalStim Therapy System: 2 Channel Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) device. Main Power: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 HzWeight: 3.2 kg Dimensions: 33 x 24 x 29 cm Electrical Safety Class: Class I, Type BF Safety Tests: IEC 60601-1, IEC 60601-1-2 我们是谁? JoyisNow 乐今品牌™ 『医疗康复领域的创新者!』 公司在医疗康复、竞技体育及大众健康领域保持着良好的客户关系,客户遍布,为医疗康复机构、疗养院、运动训练基地、健身俱乐部、体育科学研究机构及体育院校等提供化的整体解决方案。 www.JoyisNow.cn 乐今品牌™拥有超声波治疗仪、空气波压力治疗仪、冲击波治疗仪、干涉波治疗仪、电子肌肉刺激仪(EMS) 、物理治疗仪六大系列医疗康复产品,医疗康复领域的创新者! 面对竞争日渐激烈的医疗设备市场,我们时刻关注国际康复理疗的新动向和新发展,公司将不断提供更多适合各级医疗机构及广大患者的医疗产品。公司以诚信合作、共同发展为生存之道,我们愿与每一个合作伙伴共赢共进,一起创造更广阔的发展空间,伴随的医疗康复事业共同成长。
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