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1. Why are DAN-doors Polyurethane doors better than Polystyrene ones? 为什么聚氨酯门要好于聚苯门呢? Polyurethane has better insulation properties than polystyrene and can easy reach density of 40kg/m³ inside the door blade. 聚氨酯具有比聚苯乙烯更好的绝缘性能,而且门板内部的密度能够轻易的达到40kg/m³以上 Polyurethane foam expand firmly inside theblade,with very strong gripto the sides and to the special aluminumprofile of theblade edge,providing very good blade hardness and geometricalstability for better sealing. 聚氨酯发泡能够使门板膨胀坚固,对门边和特殊铝型材门框有很强的抓握力,能更好提供密封性和门板强度以及几何稳定性。 The door blade can be made in different colors or type of material,such aspre-painted steel sheet,stainless steel, or others. 门板可以采用不同的颜色或者使用不同的材料,比如彩钢板,不锈钢,或者其它。 Easy to fit inside the blade reinforcement for hardware that are strong grip by the polyurethane foam,to ensure longer life time of the blade. 通过聚氨酯发泡容易达到五金预埋件加固的内部要求,以确保门板使用更长时间。 They have better thermalbridge interruption between internal and external sides to avoidloss of heat to the edges and condensation near the sealing gasket. 内外环境能更好的阻止“冷桥”,能够防止边缘冷量的流失和密封胶条附近的凝霜结露现象。 Round shape gaskets in double density extrusion,hard on fixing part and soft in sealing part for efficient insulation;and for negative application gaskets are provided with heater easyto replace. 圆弧形双密度密封条,固定部分非常牢固密封部分非常柔软可以地变形密封;温环境下可以装电加热丝,加热丝可方便更换。 There are no rivets or sharp joints on the sides of the blade,to make dirt hard to clean. 在门面上都没有铆钉或者锋利处,利于清洁脏处的地方。 Most of the hardware are made of stainless steel with soft shapes and covered screws and nuts,easy toclean and long lasting. 大部分的配件都由具有倒角的不锈钢,带盖的螺钉和螺母制作,便于清洁且非常耐用。 All doors,materials used and hardware hold the European Certifications for food proof and work safety regulations. 所有的门使用的材料和配件都具有欧盟的食品卫生许可证明和安全认证。 2. Why do we need to use a door frame system with your doors? 为何我们需要使用一体式门框体系? -The experience show that the cold room panels is most wear in the edge of the clear opening,due to accidental crashes and door hardware,that result in significant cold loss;therefore DAN-doors philosophy is to protect this part that is also critical for the gasket tight sealing 经验告诉我们冷库库板大多在门洞边缘处容易损坏,由于事故碰撞和门的配件问题会造成重大的冷量流失,因此DAN-doors的整体门框的理念是避免这一部分冷量的流失,且整体门框对密封条的密封也很关键。 -The cold room panel is often not strong enough to fix the hard ware,such as hinges or sliding system and bear long running wear,whereas the DAN-doors frame is designed to take over all stress of the panel in order to extend the life time of the door and good sealing properties. 冷库的库板一般没有足够的强度固定门的配件,例如铰链或者是承重运行的滑动系统,然而DAN-doors的门框设计为承担了所有门体的压力来延长门的使用寿命和好的密封性能。 -For negative application,the heater fixed on the aluminium alloy frame,on aluminum special profiles,channelthe heat only to defrost the gasket,with minimum loss and only 25~50w/m heating power. 在温工况下,固定在铝合金门框上的铝制加热丝盖板只将热量传导给密封条,来达到少的热量流失,功率仅有25~50 w/m。 -The life time of the aluminium alloy frame is longer than the panel and easy to repair or replace any time. 铝合金门框的寿命要长于库板,并且方便修理更换。 -The aluminium alloy frame can secure the perfect geometrical alignments even when panels are not perfectly mounted,(inline or not vertical),in order to improve the gaskets sealing all around and sliding drop and push system for tight closing 铝合金门框能够确保的几何尺寸,甚库板没有安装的情况下,(在一条直线上或者不垂直),能够提高四周密封条的密封性,浮开沉闭系统使门密封非常好。 3. What is a dropdown door system and why is it better than local made doors? 什么是浮开沉闭门系统,为什么它要好于传统门呢? -Better gasket sealing provided by aluminium alloy track guiding bends with and without grove and 6 adjusting systems;2 on each wheel support one in the rear guiding system and one in front of the door closing,and alwaysclean floor. 更好的密封性能来自铝合金弯曲轨道 ,带或者不带“鹅沟”,还有6个系统调节装备;两个在滑轮上,一个在固定的轨道系统中,另一个在关门部前方,并且总是不与地面接触。 -Much less wear of the gaskets during operation extend the life time of the door compare with other systems. 操作时能大量减少对密封条的磨损,这样比其它的系统能够增加门的使用寿命。 -Easy to open/close even to very large sizes of doors,by eliminating the gasket friction on the panel and extend the hardware/blade life time. 通过减小密封条在库板上的摩擦力,易于打开、关闭,即使是非常大的门,同时也能延长配件门板的使用寿命。 -Needless power for the automation kit and low energy consumption. 电动系统功率很,降能量消耗。 4. DAN-doors cost more why should we spend more than we currently spend on local doors? DAN-doors门成本高,为什么我们要比一般的国产门花费要多? Beside the cooling system,the door is the most were part that can save or loose energy and influence the run ningcost of the cold rooms;there fore it worth to spend more only once on investment stage and to save money during operation over the life time.By the end the life time cost is lower. 和制冷系统相比,冷库门是对于节省和流失能量重要的部分,并且影响冷库的运行成本;因此在投资阶段值得一次花费多一些,而在整个使用寿命过程中节省费用。到使用寿命为止的成本更。 They have improved design to overcome the critical problems of cold room doors.Better insulation and strong blades by polyurethane,better and long lasting sealing system,strong frame to protect the panel and easy operation for long life time. 他们改进设计去克服冷库门的这些关键问题。更好的注塑性和更结实的聚氨酯门板,更好和寿命长的密封系统,保护库板的结实的门框,易于操作,并且使用寿命长。 Moderndesign,soft corners,no open rivets/screws/nuts,easy to clean for everyoperation environment. 现代感的设计,柔和的拐角,没有开放式铆钉、螺钉、螺母,在所有操作环境下都易于清洁。 5. Will installing DAN-doors doors save me money ? How ? 安装DAN-doors门能够节省费用吗?如何节省? The loss of cool and the moisture witch enter through gaps in sealing gaskets and block the cooling unit,can cause up to 30% of total energy loss of a cold room.Thus by using a better door the energy saving can be 10%-15%,on top of improve operation and life time of the refrigeration plant. 冷气的流失和通过密封条由空气进入的水分阻止制冷系统,占据个冷冻室能量总损失的30%。因此使用一个好的门能量会节省到10%-15%,是提高经营效益和延长冷冻车间使用寿命重要的。 Cost of maintenance for the cooling unit and the door,are lower when using better doors. 使用一个更好的门时,制冷系统和门的维修成本要更一些。 Easy to mount and repair in case of damage with low cost. 在损坏时易于成本增加和维修。 6. Why use automation kits for sliding doors? 为什么在滑动门上使用自动化装备? In order to save energy and increase the life time of the door. 为了节省能量和增加门的使用寿命。 Save energy because the door close automatically at desired time setting and reduce the time when stay open. 节省能量是因为门在要求的时间设定内自动关闭,减少保持打开的时间。 Increase the life time because the door always is softly operated,correctly closed and protected against accidental crashes,due to safety features of the automation system. 增加使用寿命是因为门总是柔和的作业,的关闭,并且由于其自动系统的安全特性可以避免外来的事故碰撞。 7. Are DAN-doors user friendly? Why? DAN-doors门的使用界面友好吗?为什么? They arequite light and easy to operate in every temperature range,due to special de sigh of their hardware. 由于配件的特殊设计,它们可以在任何温度范围内非常轻便和容易的操作。 Easy to clean,soft corners and no floor crashes. 便于清洁,柔和的拐角和没有地面摩擦。 Work safety operated hard ware;locks with safety release European certified. 操控的配件使用安全,锁的安全性也有欧洲的认证。 8. Who would use the DAN-doors range of doors other than there frige ration industry? 除了制冷工业,谁还会使用DAN-doors系列的门? Hospitals, laboratories,clean rooms, office buildings that need easy clean and tight closing system. 医院,实验室,洁净室,需要清洁和紧密密闭系统的办公室。 10. How long will DAN-doors doors last for? DAN-doors门可以使用多久? They are de sigh to last 15 years in normal operation,without major repairs,but thelife time can be 15 to 20 years for an automated one. 在正常操作情况下设计寿命15年,没有重大修理时一个自动门可以使用15到20年。
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