
内黄县腾达机械修造有限公司企业简介:本公司承揽各种进口/国产汽车吊,水泥搅拌车的修造与维修.同时经营二手各吨位国产徐工 长江 泰安 浦沅汽车吊 ,兼营二手各吨位加藤(KATO).多田野(TADANO)汽车吊 . 长期高价收购闲置 废旧工程机械,有偿中介 本公司秉承顾客上,“锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎广大客户惠顾!热情邀请有外贸的单位和个人来电洽谈订购货源,当场为客户免费试车,达你满意为止,(参与中介的中介费优厚,价格合理的每台车2万元),在市内专车免费接送. Our company specializes in second-hand machine's maintenance and selling ,especially brand cranes, truck rollers,mixer truck,excavator etc.We have brands such as Kato,Todano,Liebherr, Xugong,Puyuan,Taian. We have extensive business in North America,South America,Middle East,West Asia,the Mediterranean area .Besides ,we have close relationship with foreign trade company and international freight forwarder agent,making your import & export convenient. All our staff are looking forward serving you with excellent machines and Chinese pepole's hospitality.We also hope to make close cooperation with you and build up long term relationships. Crane buyers ,sellers and coteries are welcome. Information & Price Inquirement Pls Contact: Chinese:张评神 0372-7371576 13939988196 zhango0o0o6@163.com English:Joyce Cheung 13430323685 joycecheung9698@yahoo.cn
  • 联系人:张评神先生
  • 联系电话:0372-7371576
  • 公司地址:河南 内黄县 内黄县.西环路
  • 商铺链接: 10743045.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

客服QQ:387759492 投诉与建议:387759492@qq.com
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