
温州市旭益阀门有限公司企业简介:温州奥企阀门科技有限公司,地处浙江省温州市龙湾区“中国阀门城”永强工业区。 温州奥企阀门科技有限公司是一家集设计、开发、制造及销售服务于一体的专业阀门生产厂家。公司自创建以来,即以稳健的步伐不断的成长壮大,现在产品种类繁多、规格齐全。 专业制造生产:不锈钢快速接头,铝制快速接头,快速接头A型,B型,快速接头C型,快速接头D型,快速接头E型,快速接头F型,过滤器,闸阀,止回阀,截止阀,S型截止阀,B型截止阀,旋启式止回阀,立式止回阀,Y型过滤器,对夹式止回阀,快速接头,KJA槽车快速接头,KJB槽车快速接头,不锈钢快速接头,铝合金快速接头,铜制快速接头,片式球阀,一片式球阀,二片式球阀,三片式球阀,螺纹三通球阀,L型三通球阀,T型三通球阀,法兰球阀,对焊球阀,快装球阀,承插焊球阀,内螺纹球阀,法兰球阀,卫生级球阀,卫生级隔膜阀,卫生级法兰球阀,Z15闸阀,H14止回阀,H12止回阀,JB11截止阀,JS11截止阀,GY11过滤器,H71止回阀,Q11球阀,Q15球阀,Q14球阀,Q21球阀,Q41球阀,Q61球阀,Q81球阀,G81隔膜阀,快速接头,管件等其它非标产品订做。真诚欢迎各界顾客前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。 产品广泛应用于化工、石油、电力、制药、啤酒、乳品饮料、供水、管道及工程配套、工业管路等领域。 温州奥企阀门科技有限公司以“一贯坚持、以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”的经营理念诚心服务、注重品牌”取信于新老客户。欢迎各界朋友来电来函咨询。 Wenzhou AUQI valve technology co., ltd, which is a professional manufacturer of camlock couplings, valve and pneumatic products. SS camlock couplings Atype,B type,c type,D type,E type wish expertise workers and cnc center,we insure the quality and also we have strong technical people to support our business. now we have opend a very good market in domain market and want to eplore the foreign market. If you are feel interested in our products,please feel free to contact. our website;www.xuyivalve.com,welcome your visit. our camlock couplings feature as follows: 1. camlock couplings (A,,B,C,D,E,F,DC,DP,F WITH FLANGE,C WITH FLANGE,KJA,KJB) 2. Working pressure: 1.6mpa~3.2mpa 3. working temperature: -20~+230℃ 4. Working medium: Gasoline, heavy oil, kerosene oil, hydraulic oil, fuel oil, refrigerating machine oil, water, brine, acid and alkaline liquids and so on. 5. Connection: male thread, female threaded, connect hoses, flanged, butt welding, socket welding, plate coupling. 6. Sealing: NBR, urethane, fluorine rubber, PTFE, EPDM 7. Thread type: NPT, ZG, G, BSPT, BSP, and DIN259/2999
  • 联系人:艾小姐
  • 联系电话:0577-86863772
  • email邮箱:712388772@qq.com
  • 公司地址:浙江省温州市龙湾区沙城镇四甲
  • 商铺链接: 14137732.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

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