
东莞哈依漫服装厂企业简介:东莞哈依漫服装公司是一家集“研发、生产、销售”为一体的现代化服装企业。产品定位为0-15岁的中档童装。“时尚、新潮、环保”是哈依漫不懈追求的品牌风格!以质量求生存,以价格求发展,以信誉赢市场,扶持共赢的经营理念,使哈依漫在广大经销、批发、终端零售商的大力支持下,赢得了广泛的经济与社会效益。关注宝贝成长、时尚潮流,哈依漫将一如既往的本着“扶持、共赢”之方针与各位新老客户携手共进,再创佳绩!承接来样订做,来料加工! 联系方式MSN:aharisma@skype:aharisma QQ:534653421Tel:0769-89775253 MB13450054026 13104765120Hayi Man always adhere to the fashion children's clothing line, whether it is still mid-range children's clothing children's clothing brand, has maintained a consistently excellent quality and unique exquisite taste, a taste which many parents deeply love. Long, diffuse in Kazakhstan by the insistence on quality and taste, our mid-range children's clothing stores around Yiyi e the preferred purchase channel. Make high-quality, innovative, environmentally-friendly children's clothing, to show the most intuitive form in front of customers, you just sit at home and mouse click, you can wait for your favorite products delivered to your door. Direct factory shipments, minimize the cost of the middle, both wholesale and retail purchase, all you get the maximum benefits. Warmly e new and old customers come to order! Can samples, processing business! I trust also you are satisfied with a point! MSN:aharisma@hotmail. skype:aharisma QQ:534653421Tel:0769-89775253MB:13450054026 13104765120wholesale photo album: /user/35878644/setlist
  • 联系人:焦文娟  
  • 联系电话:0769-89775253/86 0769 89775253
  • 公司地址:金州工业区
  • 商铺链接: 15410146.zhaozhaoqu.com
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