
东莞市樟木头中原工艺品厂企业简介:东莞市樟木头中原(蜡烛)工艺品厂是主要生产柱形/方形蜡烛,LED电子蜡烛,玻璃烛台 Tealight、浮水蜡烛、香味蜡烛、彩绘蜡烛、尖烛、以及各节日蜡烛等产品,工厂成立于2003年今,品质及服务好,价格实在赢得客人的青涞,是一家私营独资企业,欢迎新老客户前来洽谈业务!Our factory is professional manufacturer for craft candle, it was built in 2003 and belong to private enterprise. We are a small factory and just have about 100 employees at present, but we also have a good management system and a high quality concept. our products main from TaiWan port to other country,so that without DUMPING TAX,e new and old customer contact us.the main products are: LED wax candle(flameless candle), Votive candle, pillar candle, Tealight,white candle,Glass holder and so on,candle material has: paraffin wax,Palm oil,BeeswaxGood service,low price,will make you satisfied with.If you need this case of inquiry ,please don't hesitate to contact us.Thank you!
  • 联系人:刘三辉
  • 联系电话:86 769 89773953/86 769 89773953
  • 公司地址:樟木头镇裕丰工业区银岭路
  • 商铺链接: 15548298.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

客服QQ:387759492 投诉与建议:387759492@qq.com
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