
依工测试测量仪器(上海有限公司)企业简介:美国 Wilson ®硬度测试技术全球,向您提供全方位硬度测试方案,是您可信赖的硬度测试专家。Wilson ® 具有近百年的历史,在世界上享有很高的声誉,被称为洛氏硬度计和邵氏硬度计之父—ORIGINAL ROCKWELL ®;ORIGINAL SHORE ®  作为全球硬度机行业的技术者,美国Wilson集团以其优越的产品质量为全球用户提供包括洛氏,维氏,布氏,努氏,邵氏和里氏在内的全系列产品和服务,在硬化层梯度分析,焊接质量分析以及研究开发应用方面为汽车,钢铁,航空,石油化工等领域 提供服务;我们生产精密硬度块和压头的校准实验室经过资质认证,公认。Hardness Testing Solutions You Can Rely On As the world's leading provider of hardness testing instruments, Wolpert Wilson ® Instruments supplies a comprehensive range of hardness testers from Rockwell, Knoop/Vickers, and Brinell to complex production automation systems. Our testers are complemented by a range of test blocks, essories, and fixtures, and our calibration laboratory is recognized as the leader in the production of premium test blocks and indenters.Our products are used to determine the hardness of metals, alloys, small precision parts, wire, and plastics ranging from the softest bearing materials to the hardest steels and are globally recognized in the hardness testing industry. All Wolpert Wilson ®Instruments testers fully conform to applicable ISO and ASTM standards, and are factory tested using state-of-the-art verification devices.
  • 联系人:郑浩
  • 联系电话:86 10 68470012
  • 公司地址:中国 北京 北京市 北京市北京市海淀区友谊宾馆苏园60924
  • 商铺链接: 15840344.zhaozhaoqu.com
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