
义乌市焕林假发厂企业简介:焕林工艺假发厂是中假发等产品专业生产加工的私营有限责任公司,公司总部设在浙江义乌市,公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系;有专业的设计研发部,每月开发新款不少于10款,可以有效保证我们的合作伙伴在市场上的竞争能力。 产品涵盖了女生时尚潮流假发、男士假发、中老年假发、假发配件、四大系列产品,同时也提供来样定做服务,您只需提供假发样品或是相关图片,我们将有的设计师为您提供专业的服务! 在原材料上使用于进口发丝,手感色泽都是 ,发丝目前采用行业内进口发丝,经久耐用,焕林工艺假发厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临焕林工艺假发厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。 HUANLIM wig factory is medium high-grade wig technology products such as the professional production process private limited liability company, the headquarters is located in yiwu city, zhejiang province, the company has a complete and scientific quality management system; A professional design the research and development department, not less than 10 a month new development model, and can effectively guarantee that our partners in the market competition ability. The products cover girl fashion wig, middle-aged man wig and wig, a wig essories, four major series products, and also provides customized to sample service, you need to offer the sample or relevant pictures wig, we will have a senior designer to provide you with professional service. In the raw materials used in imported hair silk, feel colour and lustre is first-class, the hair the currently used within the industry's top import hair, durable, shine for the integrity of the process wig, strength and product quality gain recognition of the industry. e friends from all circles to HUANLIM for wig factory process visit the guidance and business cooperation.
  • 联系人:金一焕
  • 联系电话:86 0579 85702290/86 0579 85702290
  • 公司地址:新屋新村七幢一号
  • 商铺链接: 16019445.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 330782601146458
  • 92330782L90580151C
  • 存续
  • 个体工商户
  • 2011-05-09
  • 金一焕
  • 义乌市市场监督管理局
  • 义乌市义亭镇五联路193号
  • 加工:假发(不含染色)(凡涉及许可证或专项审批的凭证件经营)
变更日期: 2016-11-29
变更前: 注册号:********46458机构代码证:********
变更后: 统一社会信用代码:********0580151C
变更项目: 住所(营业场所、地址)变更
变更日期: 2015-04-21
变更前: 住所: 义乌市稠江街道新屋新村7幢1号; 邮政编码: 322000; 电话: ********;住所所在行政区划:稠江街道
变更后: 住所: 义乌市义亭镇五联路193号; 邮政编码: 322000; 电话: ********;住所所在行政区划:义亭镇
变更项目: 营业期限(有效期限、驻在期限)变更
变更日期: 2015-04-21
变更前: 营业期限: 2011-05-09 至 2015-05-08
变更后: 营业期限: 2011-05-09 至 9999-09-09
变更项目: 名称变更
变更日期: 2011-11-17
变更前: **
变更后: 义乌市焕林假发厂
序号 公布号 发明名称 公布日期 摘要
1 CN3425013D 热敏头打字装置 2005.02.09
  • 推荐企业

客服QQ:387759492 投诉与建议:387759492@qq.com
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