
泽宝(香港)投资有限公司企业简介:泽宝(香港)投资有限公司是一家致力于天然植物及果实的研究和开发的生产、科研、技术推广、加工与销售,休闲游游为一体的企业。公司分别在广州从化火龙果基地,荔枝,龙眼基地,广西梧州火龙果基地,四季桔基地,沙糖桔基地,公司直接投资种植面积3000多亩。公司采取“公司+基地,基地连农户”的运作模式,坚持使用有机肥,病虫害防治采取生物防治、物理防治为主,药物与化学防治为辅,保证公司产品的高质量,以加快公司主导产品“养生园”牌系列红肉火龙果,四季桔,沙糖桔的发展。Zetbo (Hong Kong) Investment Co., Ltd. is an enterprise that is devoting itself to the production of researching and development on the natural plants, enlargement of technical,assembling and sales as well as travel entertainment. We have bases for different plants such as Pitaya,litchi,longan,calamondin etc. in Conghua of Guangzhou, Wuzhou of Guangxi province. There are more than 3000 mu that our company invested. We company is running with bases which are connecting with peasants. We are keeping using organic fertilizer. We do not use chemical pesticiden but only physical methods mainly in order to ensure the products' high quality. So that we can speed up the development of "organic Yang Sheng Yuan" brand on red meat pitaya as well as calamondin.
  • 联系人:莫先生
  • 联系电话:133-92687088
  • 公司地址:广东 广州 广州天河
  • 商铺链接: 34399080.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

客服QQ:387759492 投诉与建议:387759492@qq.com
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