中彰国际 有限公司

中彰国际 有限公司企业简介:The SINOSI GROUP CORPORATION (SINOSI) is a professional and leading producer and trader of silica and silicon materials (silicon dioxide, silicon oxygen, pure silicon) and related products which including quartz, crystal, amorphous silica, hydrated silica, fused silica, ferro silicon, silicon metal, mono and polycrystalline silicon and so on. Meanwhile, we also offer the machinery, equipments, instruments and related service in this silica and silicon industry field.
  • 联系人:俞丽莎
  • 联系电话:010-82070680
  • 公司地址:北京 西城区 北京市西城区黄寺大街甲23号88A3层
  • 商铺链接: 34637651.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

客服QQ:387759492 投诉与建议:387759492@qq.com
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