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EnviroLogix PAT/bar转基因检测试剂盒

货  号: AS013LS

英  文  名: QuickStix™ Kit for LibertyLink® (bar) Cotton Leaf & Seed

产  地: 美国

品牌: EnviroLogix

供应商: Abgree

数量: 大量

规格: 询价



EnviroLogix PAT/bar转基因检测试剂盒

The EnviroLogix QuickStix Kit for LibertyLink® (bar) is designed to extract and detect the presence of PAT/bar protein at the levels typically expressed in genetically modified cotton seed and/or leaf tissues. It is the only lateral flow strip capable of detecting only the PAT/bar protein; it will not cross-react with the PAT/pat protein



Cotton plants and seeds that have been genetically modified with a Liberty®-tolerant gene express PAT/bar protein in their seeds and leaves. To detect the PAT/bar protein with the QuickStix Strip, the samples must be extracted and the protein solubilized in buffer provided. Each QuickStix Strip has an absorbent pad at each end. The protective tape with the arrow indicates the end of the strip to insert into the sample extract. The sample will travel up the membrane strip and be absorbed into the larger pad at the top of the strip. The portion of the strip between the protective tape and the absorbent pad at the top of the strip is used to view the reactions as described under “Interpreting the Results”.

EnviroLogix PAT/bar转基因检测试剂盒



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