安全围栏设备警示网 warming
安全围栏设备警示网 warming
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  • 报价¥0.0
  • 最小起订1件
  • 发货期限自付款之日起120日内发货
  • 供应能力5件/每年
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  • 所在地辽宁大连市大连市甘井子区周家街11号
  • 联系电话0411-86601692
  • 联系人孙成伦先生
  • 信息详情


安全围栏生产线及技术 安全围栏成型工艺有三种,相应的有三种成型机组。 种,冲孔拉伸工艺。安全围栏是高分子聚合物通过挤出、成板、冲孔过程后再纵向拉伸而成。 种,旋转式机头成型工艺。安全围栏是高分子聚合物通过旋转式机头直接挤出成型的。 第三种,往复式机头成型工艺。安全围栏是高分子聚合物通过往复式机头直接挤出成型的。 安全围栏为PE 材质, 添加UV 抗老化剂, 产品网孔主要有矩形、椭圆形、菱形, 可回收再使用。 安全围栏又称之为警示围栏、雪地围栏,起到一个警示作用。 Safety fence production line and technology There are 3 kinds of molding technology for safety fence, corresponding with 3 kinds of forming units The first one: holes punching and stretching technology. The safety fence which is made of macromolecule polymer is molded through extruding, sheet forming, holes punching, and longitudinal stretching. The second one: rotary die head technology. The safety fence which is made of macromolecule polymer is molded by extruding from the rotary die head directly. The third one: reciprocating die head forming technology. The safety fence which is made of macromolecule polymer is molded by extruding from the reciprocating die head directly. The safety fence is made of PE added with UV stabilizer, the mesh shapes are rectangular, oval, and diamond, it can be recycled. These products are used as safety fencing or warning barrier for construction sites, and they are also used as snow fencing.
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