
安达车务(北京)工贸有限公司企业简介:安达车务(北京)工贸有限公司致力于汽车后市场服务领域,是一家集研发、生产、销售上下游一体化的综合性企业。公司为用户提供汽车润滑油、三滤、蓄电池、减震器、轮胎、球笼、雨刷......及汽车养护产品。 安达车务以其多年的汽车后市场服务营销管理经验,得到了美国新石油(国际)石化股份有限公司的通力合作,双方达成共识后在北京成立罐装生产线,罐装生产新石油润滑油,为大中华区客户提供新石油系列润滑产品。 安达车务(北京)工贸有限公司的目标是三年内在全国各 地级市拥有自己的合作商。现诚招全国各地润滑油代理商、加盟商,详情请点击上面的 润滑油加盟相关事宜 …… Introduction of Antaeus autoworld (Beijing) trading & industry company limited Antaeus autoworld (Beijing) trading & industry company limited is a leading company integrated with R&D, manufacture and sales to provide post-auto service. Antaeus can provide auto lubricant, storage battery, shock absorber, tyre, rain brush, as well as other products with high quality for auto maintenance With high reputation for excellent experiences and management on post-auto service, Antaeus has obtained the contract with New petro U.S.A international petroleum & chemical corporation to corporately establish product line in Beijing and manufacture New petro auto lubricant, providing all kinds of lubricants with brand New petro to clients in China. ‘Understanding, innovation, free heart, share’ are the core values of company. Antaeus can not only provide first-rate products to clients but also share positive life attitude and excellent experiences on marketing management with partners. Focusing on post-auto services, Antaeus will cooperate hand in hand with partners to continuously surpass ourselves and rapidly grow .
  • 联系人:盛清文
  • 联系电话:010-52338131
  • email邮箱:youdenai@youdenai.com
  • 公司地址:北京 北京市 北京市通州区通惠南路8号院怡佳家园4号楼1504室
  • 商铺链接: 10010414.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

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