
永康芝英浙永金属制品厂企业简介:浙永金属制品厂是一家专业研制、开发,销售铝轮毂的现代化企业!   企业地处中国五金之都,占地20000多平方米现代化新厂区,固定资产5000万元。成立今产品与国内众多的大、中型整车厂配套,出口多个和地区,成为生产摩托车整体铝轮及各式轮毂和三大件 (前,后毂盖,链轮座)的专业企业。   我们以“人才、科技、规模、效益”为企业核心,实行标准化、规范化管理。在国内聘请多名专业产品设计开发、模具制造、营销管理的人才。建有CAD/CAM模具设计系统和计算机中心使产品从设计、工艺编程、工序加工、销售网络均实行计算机控制管理,从而保障了产品在同行业的水平。   企业采用国内的工装设备和先进的铸造加工工艺,具有铝合金治炼,重力浇铸、挤压铸造、表面抛丸、精加工,表面喷涂处理、烤漆、装配一条龙生产线。我们具有先进的检测设备和完整的质量保证体系,从而强有力的保障产品的品质。我们坚信:唯品质纯,方能打造精品;唯服务诚,方可赢得客户!   企业坚持走专业化、品牌化营销思路。具有建全的国际、国内营销网络和完善的售后服务体系。   我们全体员工将与时俱进、开拓奋进,以踏实、敬业、奉献的精神在激烈的市场中勇往直前,不断创新,把我们的事业建设得更加辉煌! The ZheYong Metal Products Factory is a modern enterprise specializes in develop, produce and sell aluminum wheel hub!   The factory is located in Yongkang city, which is the capital of hardware in China. Its new factory district covers more than 20,000 square meters and the fixed asset reached 50 million. Up to now, our enterprise has e a great supplier for many big and middle complete motorbike factories from both home and abroad! It has became a professional enterprise which produce the motorbike's parts like overall aluminum round and various types wheel hubs and three big items( frontal and latter's hub,chain wheel seat) and has been exported its products to many countries and areas throughout the world!   We take " the talented person, the science and technology, the scale, the benefit" as our enterprise cores and carry out standardized management. We invited some high-level talent experts whose specialize in the product's design, die making and marketing management for our factory. Now we had established the CAD/CAM mold design system and the com puter center, which can achieve a goal of the product's design, the craft programming, the processing of the working procedure, the sales network are being control by the computer! Thus we can ensure our products are of the superior level in the same area!   The enterprise took the special equipment and advanced casting process for our production. We now have a one-step production line for the aluminum alloy smelting, gravity casting, extrusion casting, e finish, finish machining, surface spray coating, baking paint and assembly! We have the advanced check-out equipment and complete quality assurance system to ensure the quality of all our products! We believed: only good quality can bring a good name; only sincerely service can win the customers!   The enterprise insists specialization and branding as our marketing way! It has a whole marketing network both home and abroad and perfect after-sales service system!   Our all workers will devote all our efforts with great passion, talent and diligence to build a better future of our business in this cut-throat competition market! e all customers from all over the world are coming here for a visit or doing business with us!
  • 联系人:任小姐
  • 联系电话:0579-89090713/0579-89090713
  • 公司地址:中国 浙江 金华 武义县 古马山工业区
  • 商铺链接: 14924698.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

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