玻璃茶几餐桌厂Glass coffee table dining table Factory

玻璃茶几餐桌厂Glass coffee table dining table Factory企业简介:我公司专业生产各类钢木、玻璃、理石家具。位于京、津、保三角地带 ,占地面积五万平方米。地理位置优越,交通发达。企业自1988年成立以来,一直致力于研发与 企业品牌的推广,并成功的建立了一套完整的企业管理体系,并且通过了ISO9001质量管理体系 认证。星光始终视产品的质量为企业生存的肌体,创造的热情为企业的生命力,完善的服务为企 业的推动力。 企业引进现代化家具生产线,配合的生产工艺,经过多年艰苦创业,锐意改革、积极开拓、使本厂在同行业中处于地位,建立了一个覆盖全国的销售网络,并且出口美国,韩国,日本,俄罗斯,马来西亚等十几个和地区。根据公司的发展战略,正在诚招海外销售代理。 “提高您的生活品质”是我们的经营宗旨,让我们和各界朋友共同携手,精诚合作,使我们的产品不断达到尽善尽美的境界,共创美好的明天。 Our company specializes in manufacturing various types of high-grade Steel, glass, furniture Marble. Located in Beijing, Tianjin, security triangle, covering 50,000 square meters. Strategic location, developed transport. Business since 1988, has been committed to R & D and brand promotion, and set up the ess of a complete set of enterprise management system, and passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification. Stars have always regarded the quality of the product for the enterprise to survive the body, and create enthusiasm for business vitality, and improve the services to be the driving force of business. The introduction of modern furniture enterprise production line, with first-class production technology, after years of hard work, keen on reform, actively explore, so that at the same factory in a leading position in the industry, set up a sales network covering the whole country and export to the United States, South Korea, Japan , Russia, Malaysia, some ten countries and regions. ording to the company's development strategy, overseas sales agent is Us. "Improve your quality of life" is our business purposes, let us join hands and Friends from all walks of life, sincere cooperation, so that our products meet the perfect a better tomorrow.
  • 联系人:程先生
  • 联系电话:86-0316-8333128-
  • 公司地址:中国 河北 廊坊 廊坊市 胜芳
  • 商铺链接: 15160815.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

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