
广州市番禺沙湾德记首饰加工场企业简介:德记珠宝从事彩色宝石加工超过了20年,现在仍然坚守着纯手工技术加工工艺,切割和打磨等技术工人都有超过10年以上的行业经验,娴熟的技术,完善的企业管理,确保你的产品质量;我们顺应市场的变化,工厂也采用自动化切割、打磨设备,为批量生产提供保障!同时,为了降低产品的成本,我们与世界各地的宝石供应商合作,向珠宝首饰企业提供高性价比的宝石产品,我们坚信,我们的坚持与努力,会得到你的认可,我们将与你一起为珠宝首饰业做出更多的优质产品。 德记珠宝的主要业务范围,是代客加工各类彩色宝石;采购世界各地的彩色宝石原石;销售各种切割、打磨好,符合客户要求的彩色宝石。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来实地参观,考察,洽谈业务。 德记珠宝的性能及优点:纯手工技术,质量从优,,且保证有良好的售前售后的服务。 产品用途:适合各类不同的场所 联系电话:020-3483 5166 联系QQ:2946888416 mail: dejigem@ Deji gem is located in jewelry industry town-Shawan, Panyu district, Guangzhou, is one of the leading cutting service providers & reliable gemstone dealers manufacturer, over 20 years of experience on excellent cutting service, it is recognized as one of the top gem cutters in the industry, At present, we are also a professional Gemstone dealer, we buy rough materials directly from the Thailand, Africa, South America, China and other countries, and supply our top quality of calibrated gems to our customers all over the world. We had gained an excellent reputation due to our concentration on the 1st class cutting service in the world and our extremely strict quality control for our spotless calibrated gems. You may not need to contact Deji now, but we suggest you to keep this information. When you need high quality gemstone, when your existing suppliers cannot offer cutting service and cannot guarantee supply, contact Deji in time. We will assist you solve all supply side issue. We believe that the Deji would be your best teamwork supplier.
  • 联系人:梁小姐
  • 联系电话:020-34835166
  • 公司地址:中国 广东 广州 沙湾镇沙渡路138号五楼
  • 商铺链接: 15324806.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

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