
广州佛山越洋五金厂企业简介:越洋五金家具厂是一家专业设计,开发,生产各种美发沙龙家具的企业。厂房占地30000平方米。拥有全套的生产设备和大型厂房,专业生产大工椅,美发椅,儿童椅,洗头床,按摩床等沙龙家具。是国内大型的生产型企业。产品远销美国,欧洲,日韩,澳洲等,以质量好,价格合理收到客人好评。欢迎来厂参观考察。Overseas hardware furniture factory is a professional design, development and production of various salon furniture enterprises. Workshop covers an area of 30,000 square meters. Owns a complete set production equipment and large factory, specializing in the production of master chair, barber  chair, kids chair, shampoo bed, lizhi etc salon furniture. Is large domestic productive enterprises. Products are exported to America, Europe, South Korea, Australia, etc, in order to good quality and reasonable price receive guests praise. e to visit our factory.
  • 联系人:sunny
  • 联系电话:86 0311 88203000
  • 公司地址:中国 河北 石家庄 石家庄市 石家庄市桥西区新华路22号
  • 商铺链接: 15838375.zhaozhaoqu.com
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