
乐清市正浩熔断器有限公司企业简介:正浩熔断器有限公司创建与1985年,是集研发、制造、贸易、服务于一体的熔断器制造专家;公司实力雄厚,投入巨资引进了现代化的生产设备和检测设备,保证了产品性能和产品质量的先进性。公司拥有自主品牌“正熔”,产品规格齐全,除提供样本品种外,还可按客户的需求去设计、开发任何特殊型号、规格的熔断器,从而满足客户的个性化需求。 在快速发展的过程中,公司不断加大管理投入,引进各种人才,建立了科学、完整、规范的管理控制体系,制定了现金的生产流程和工艺标准,推行精益化生产,严格控制各道生产环节,确保产品每一细节的精良可靠。发布的产品均获得认证,全员质量管理和精品意识渗入到生产和管理的每一个环节。 公司以科技为先导,以市场为中心,以质量为保证,以管理促效益,为客户带来高价值为己任,不断创新开拓奋进。 正浩熔断器有限公司热忱欢迎海内外客商光临惠顾,愿与国内外客商及各界人士携手共进,共创辉煌!Establishsed in 1985,Yueqing Zhenghao Electric Co.,Ltd.is a specialized manufacturer and supplier in the field of all kinds of fuse productds.in the past decades of steady growth,we have led into modern facilities and technology for the improvement of products. We have our own brand of "ZHENGRONG",and our products cover a full rangre of fuse products.We also ept OEM,design and supply products ording to your own requirements. For best assurance of the quality,we perorm strict quality controling in each stage of the prodiuctionprocess.We have ahigh technical standard for each product,and finished products are inspected both before and after they are packaged.Until now,all of our best selling products have obtained certification. Technological authority was and is the basis of our enterprise. We have won a good reputation among our buyers with our sustained innovation and excellent service. We sincerely e all our customers from the domestic and abroad to cooperate with us,creating together our booming and developing future.
  • 联系人:许正浩  
  • 联系电话:0577-62785868/86 0577 62789868
  • 公司地址:中国 浙江 温州 柳市镇智广村祥发路8-10号
  • 商铺链接: 16119550.zhaozhaoqu.com
  • 推荐企业

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