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新一代三坐标测量机,采用国际的有限元分析方法设计的精密斜梁技术(已获专利),设计上采用刚性好、质量轻的全封闭框架移动桥式结构。配以高性能三坐标专用控制系统及具有国际水平的具有自主知识产权的三坐标测量软件包,使其成为同类机型中性价比相当高的产品,其将满足您的需求,为您提供一个完善的测量解决方案 机型名称:8106三坐标测量机 测量范围:800㎜×1000㎜×600㎜ 载荷:1000kg 采用国际的有限元分析设计方法,使其具有机械结构刚性强、几何误差小,具有高精度、高性能和高稳定性的优点。 Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability. 机械整体结构采用刚性结构好、质量轻的全封闭框架移动桥式结构。其结构简单、紧凑、承载能力大、运动性能好。 The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong loaded capacity and good moving performance 固定花岗岩工作台,使其具有承载能力强、装卸空间宽阔、便捷。 Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly. Y向导轨采用燕尾式,定位精度高,稳定性能好。   Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability. 三轴采用花岗岩,热膨胀系数小,三轴具有相同的温度特性,因而具有良好的温度稳定性、抗实效变形能力,刚性好、动态几何误差变形小。 Three axis’s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it serves to excellent stability in temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in motion. 三轴均采用自洁式预载荷高精度空气轴承组成的静压气浮式导轨,轴承跨距大,抗角摆能力强,阻力小、无磨损、运动更平稳。 Three axis’s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised of air bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abrasion and stable motion 横梁采用精密斜梁设计技术(已获专利),重量轻、重心、刚性强,动态误差小,确保了机器的稳定。 Crossbeam’s adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine’s lightweight, low center of gravity, strong rigidity and small error in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengthened. 采用国外进口反射式金属带状光栅计量系统,与大多数工件具有相近的热膨胀系数,确保了良好的重复精度。 Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability. 驱动系统采用的高性能直流伺服电机、齿形带传动装置,确保传动更快捷、更、运动性能更佳。 Drive system adopts world famous high performance DC servo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drive’s fastness, precision and perfect movement. Z轴采用气缸平衡装置,极大的提高了Z轴的定位精度及稳定性。 Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientation precision and stability greatly for Z axis. 控制系统采用欧洲坐标测量机专用数控系统,具有国际的上下位机式的双计算机系统,从而极大地提高系统的可靠性和抗干扰能力,降了维护成本。 Control system adopts well-known exclusive Europe Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system, which improves the system’s reliability and anti-jamming capacity greatly. 软件采用具有独立知识产权的、功能强大的AC-DMIS测量软件包,其完善的测量功能和联机功能,为用户提供了的测量解决方案。 Software adopts self-owned intellectual property and strong function AC-DMS software. With its perfect measuring and online function, it will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.
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